Семейства шрифтов: списки семейств шрифтов

Семейства шрифтов в CSS: списки самых популярных семейств шрифтов.

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>Font families</title>
		h2 { color: green; }
		#p1 { font-family: Times, "Times New Roman", serif; }
		#p2 { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
		#p3 { font-family: serif; }
		#p4 { font-family: sans-serif; }
		#p5 { font-family: monospace; }
		#p6 { font-family: cursive; }
		#p7 { font-family: fantasy; }
		.s1 { font-style: italic; }
		.s2 { font-style: oblique; }
		.s3 { font-weight: bold; }
		.s4 { font-weight: 100; }
	<h1>Font Families</h1>
	<p>Used with CSS. Two common font combination lists and the five generic fallback font families.</p>

	<h2>font-family: Times, "Times New Roman", serif</h2>
	<p id="p1">
			Behold! A serif font family list!
			<span class="s1">It swooshes with an italic font-style!</span>
			<span class="s2">It leans with an oblique font-style!</span>
			<span class="s3">It puffs out with a bold font-weight!</span>
			<span class="s4">It sucks in with a 100 font-weight!</span>

	<h2>font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif</h2>
	<p id="p2">
			Behold! A sans-serif font family list!
			<span class="s1">It swooshes with an italic font-style!</span>
			<span class="s2">It leans with an oblique font-style!</span>
			<span class="s3">It puffs out with a bold font-weight!</span>
			<span class="s4">It sucks in with a 100 font-weight!</span>

	<h2>font-family: serif</h2>
	<p id="p3">
			Behold! The serif generic font family!
			<span class="s1">It swooshes with an italic font-style!</span>
			<span class="s2">It leans with an oblique font-style!</span>
			<span class="s3">It puffs out with a bold font-weight!</span>
			<span class="s4">It sucks in with a 100 font-weight!</span>

	<h2>font-family: sans-serif</h2>
	<p id="p4">
			Behold! The sans-serif generic font family!
			<span class="s1">It swooshes with an italic font-style!</span>
			<span class="s2">It leans with an oblique font-style!</span>
			<span class="s3">It puffs out with a bold font-weight!</span>
			<span class="s4">It sucks in with a 100 font-weight!</span>

	<h2>font-family: monospace</h2>
	<p id="p5">
			Behold! The monospace generic font family!
			<span class="s1">It swooshes with an italic font-style!</span>
			<span class="s2">It leans with an oblique font-style!</span>
			<span class="s3">It puffs out with a bold font-weight!</span>
			<span class="s4">It sucks in with a 100 font-weight!</span>

	<h2>font-family: cursive</h2>
	<p id="p6">
			Behold! The cursive font family!
			<span class="s1">It swooshes with an italic font-style!</span>
			<span class="s2">It leans with an oblique font-style!</span>
			<span class="s3">It puffs out with a bold font-weight!</span>
			<span class="s4">It sucks in with a 100 font-weight!</span>

	<h2>font-family: fantasy</h2>
	<p id="p7">
			Behold! The fantasy generic font family!
			<span class="s1">It swooshes with an italic font-style!</span>
			<span class="s2">It leans with an oblique font-style!</span>
			<span class="s3">It puffs out with a bold font-weight!</span>
			<span class="s4">It sucks in with a 100 font-weight!</span>

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